Essie – The Fall Collection – Velvet Voyeur

23 Sep

Dear readers,

Name: Velvet Voyeur
Collection: The Fall Collection
Brand: Essie
Color: Purple
Finish: Jelly
Volume: 15 ml

Essie - The Fall Collection - Velvet Voyeur - Bottle - 2011-08-12-71684Velvet Voyeur – BottleEssie - The Fall Collection - Velvet Voyeur - Macro - 2011-08-12-71684-2-2Velvet Voyeur – MacroEssie - The Fall Collection - Velvet Voyeur - Swatch - 2012-07-20-92640Velvet Voyeur – Swatch

Beautiful: 5
Original: 7
Easy to apply: 7
Amount of coats: 2
Dries fast: 7
Easy to remove: 8
Doesn’t Chip: 8
Price: €9,95
Link: Click
Total: 7,0

Velvet Voyeur is maybe the least interesting product of this collection, but still it might be a great polish for some of us. It is a pretty dark eggplant purple jelly. You know that most jellies are not made for me. Some people can work wonderfully with them and for those people this product might be a great addition to their collection. Because it is a beautiful color and therefore I was disappointed that it was not a creme. For the jelly lovers: Velvet Voyeur is pretty.


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